Get to know Python development better
Free course for self-education
It will take only 6 hours to understand if Python development is for you. Choose your future career in IT wisely!
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Let your career blossom this spring with Beetroot Academy
-25%  discount on all courses
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Beginner level
+ АІ module

Python development course

Live classes during evening hours
4 months, 3 times per week
Up to 15 students per class
Course materials and classes are in English

Our graduates work in 700+ companies worldwide

Your future skillset

Trainee / Junior Python developer
Knowledge of basic data structures and modules
Experience with Git and GitHub
Knowledge of OOP principles and how to apply them
Experience with SQL requests and relational databases
Familiarity with HTTP specifics
Experience in writing and using REST APIs
Ability to write unit and integration tests
Experience in web development with Django
Basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, JavaScript
Teamwork experience and collaboration skills
Experience with Facebook API
Personal project implementation experience in IDE

Build a job-ready portfolio like our graduates

Приклади проєктів

А ось так може виглядати твій майбутній проєкт

Фактично, стандартною “рибою” аж з XVI сторіччя, коли невідомий друкар взяв шрифтову гранку та склав на ній підбірку зразків шрифтів. “Риба” не тільки успішно пережила п’ять століть, але й прижилася в електронному верстуванні, залишаючись по суті незмінною.
Technologies and software you will add to your toolbox
Find out more about career in python
Get a comprehensive guide on what working in python is like
Only useful. We promise!
Вибач, це технічна помилка. Спробуй ще раз!


Python basics
30 hours
12 topics
Course introduction
First steps
Variables and simple data types
Booleans and control structures with while iteration
Creating a simple console version
List, tuples, and sets
Dictionaries and for loops
Modules and standard library
Comprehensions and Exceptions
Files I/O and Context Managers, JSON
Advanced Python with OOP
30 hours
10 topics
Functions as first-class objects
Classes, scope, and namespaces
Classes. Part 1
Property decorators and recap
Iterators and Generators
Basics of testing
Context managers extended
Classical computer science, algorithms and data structures
14 hours
6 topics
Big O notation and python built-in datastructures
Data structures (Stack, Queue, Deque)
Data structures (Lists)
Searching algorithms and hashing
Graphs and graph algorithms
4 hours
2 topics
SQL basics. Part 1
SQL basics. Part 2
Concurrent programming
16 hours
6 topics
Basics of networking programming
Introduction to HTTP, making HTTP requests
Practice: Creating a chat
Web frameworks, ORMand Final project
42 hours
17 topics
Django. First steps
HTML, CSS, and template language basics
Django ORM and working with databases
Django views. Working with queries using Django
Unit testing for an application
Advanced functionality: HTML, CSS, and Django Templates
Authentication, authorization, and admin page in Django
Async with Django
Facebook API
Working on the final project. Part 1
Working on the final project. Part 2
Working on the final project. Part 3
Working on the final project. Part 4
Working on the final project. Part 5
Working on the final project. Part 6
Project presentation
Bonus: AI skills for a future-proof career
14 hours
6 topics
What is AI?
○ Why AI is important?
○ What does AI mean, and how does it work?
○ What AI can and cannot do?
Useful tools and use-cases: Deepl, ChatGPT, Bard, Grammarly,, Adobe Firefly, Photoshop,
How to use AI to find the job that suits you
○ Job boards with AI elements
○ Improving your resume and CV
○ Examples of effective CV and cover letters
○ Preparing for an interview
Useful AI tools to finding a right job: Bard та ChatGPT, Kickresume,,, Jobscan, Yoodli,, Interview Warmup,
Additional articles to help expand and deepen the topic (articles, videos, and free courses)
AI Dos and don’ts
What is AI, Ethical and Legal Considerations
Efficient Prompt Engineering
Coding with AI tools, ChatBots Comparison (ChatGPT vs Bard vs Copilot)
Using of AI APIs in your work
Documentation with the help of AI
Bonus. Career counselling
2-hours meeting with a professional recruiter
4-hours self-studying of theoretical materials
Create a competitive CV and cover letter and get a personal feedback on them from a professional recruiter
Prepare for typical interview questions and hidden pitfalls
Craft a top-notch LinkedIn profile
Discover where to find cool vacancies and how to apply for them

Free individual consultation

We’re here to answer any questions you may have. Get an insight into our approach to tech education and learn what’s possible when studying with us.
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Antonia Massara
Tour operator → UX designer
Mikaela Söhnchen
Self-employed consultant → UX-Lead
Pavlo Bondarchuk
Shop assistant → Scrum master
Natálie Baranová
Administrative Assistant → Junior QA Manual
Antonio Lupu
Student → React Native Developer (Internship)
Nawara H. Hagentoft
Publishing field → UX writer
Olena Dolhusha
Philologist → Project Manager

Our graduates’ stories

Beetroot Academy students prove it is possible to launch a new career in under a year, but getting started can be the hardest. Get inspired by the stories of our graduates and begin your own journey today.
Explore stories

Admission process

Step 1
Entry test
Sign up and take a test to see if you’re well equipped for our course
Step 2
Talk to us
After successful test results, you’ll have a chat with our educational advisor
Step 3
If we're a good match, prepare for intensive studies and start your dream career in Tech

Admission fee

We offer flexible payment options to help you start a new career. Pay in one transfer to get a discount or split the price into monthly instalments.
🌷 Spring discount on full payment
-25% тільки до 3 січня
Or monthly price
4 payments
🌷 Spring discount on full payment
-25% тільки до 3 січня
Or monthly price
4 payments
136 hours
Classes with the teacher
185+ hours
theoretical and homework
Electronic certificate with confirmation
Portfolio of work after the course

Як ми навчаємо

Ми надаємо більше, ніж просто якісну освіту. Beetroot Academy підтримує своїх студентів на кожному етапі. Ось як:
Перевернутий клас
Вивчай теорію вдома та зосередься на практиці на заняттях.
Живі заняття
Навчайся в Zoom з експертом галузі — до 18 студентів у класі та у вечірній час.
Отримай необхідну допомогу, щоб розпочати нову кар’єру.
Навчайся в командах під керівництвом викладача як тімліда.
Отримай інструменти та знання, необхідні для першої співбесіди.
Глобальна спільнота
Стань частиною екосистеми Beetroot. Це випускники, ІТ-компанії та партнери по всьому світу.

How we teach

In the 9 years of our work, over 12,000 students have trusted the Academy and joined 700+ companies worldwide after completing our courses. But not only numbers speak of our services. We're honored to be accredited by Almega, a European organization acknowledging education providers. We meet the Swedish quality standards for adult education, and here's what we offer:
Живі заняття з викладачем
Ти вивчатимеш теорію в зручний для себе час в нашій LMS, а на онлайн-уроках сфокусуєшся на отриманні практичних навичок під наглядом експерта в галузі
Кар’єрне консультування з професійним рекрутером
Ти створиш резюме, супровідний лист і профіль в LinkedIn. Досвідчений рекрутер їх перегляне та порадить, що покращити аби отримати роботу мрії.
Програма створена senior-експертами
Наші курси створює та оновлює група senior фахівців-практиків, які поза роботою викладають в Академії. Завдяки цьому наша програма завжди відповідає вимогам ринку.
Затишна спільнота на заняттях
Оскільки ми навчаємо в невеликих групах до 18 осіб, ти навчишся працювати в команді. Допомагай, отримуй допомогу та відточуй софт-навички з перших днів навчання.
Підтримка координатора групи
Твій координатор буде поруч впродовж всього курсу й допоможе з мотивацією та організаційними питаннями. Так твоя освіта буде максимально комфортною й ефективною.
Live classes with a teacher
Study theory in our LMS anytime and focus on practice during live classes led by an industry expert.
Career coaching with a professional recruiter
Create a CV, a cover letter, and a LinkedIn profile. An experienced recruiter will review them and advise you on what to improve to get your dream job.
Course curriculum from senior experts
Our courses are created and updated by a group of senior specialists who also teach at the Academy outside of work. They ensure our program always meets the market requirements.
Cozy community in the classroom
We teach in small groups of up to 15 people, so you’ll add teamwork to your skillset, too. Help others, get help yourself, and build your soft skills from day one of studying.
Support of the group coordinator
Your coordinator will have your back throughout the course and will help you stay motivated and organized. Their goal is to make your education as comfortable and effective as possible.

Your tech career starts here

Sign up for the course and go through all the admission stages to embark on a new career journey in less than half a year.


I'm a complete beginner and have zero experience in development, is this course suitable for me?
Absolutely, this course is tailored for tech beginners with no prior experience. To start your journey, you'll need the proficiency of a competent PC user, a clear understanding of the profession that interests you, and most importantly, a strong drive to learn and excel in the tech field. Your dedication during your studies will be crucial, ensuring that you engage in learning and completing assigned tasks.
Will I have a portfolio after the course?
At the end of the course, you will defend a graduation project that you can include in your portfolio to show the future employer. This is a project with real tasks that you solve during training. Also, your teacher will be happy to advise you which of the practical or homework assignments can be included in the portfolio.
Do you help with employment?
We do not guarantee 100% employment, but we do everything we can to increase your chances of getting a job. We provide career counseling, where you will learn how to create an effective CV, cover letter, and LinkedIn profile. A professional recruiter will review your work and provide feedback on how to improve it. Moreover, our curriculum is developed by senior authors who also teach and see in practice what junior specialists need to get a job.

Learn more about what we do to make sure your education ends with a job offer on our website.
Where can I find testimonials about the Academy?
Explore our graduates' reviews on popular feedback platforms like Course Report and Trustpilot. Also, find out more about their experience on our website.
How do you keep your courses relevant?
To ensure our courses remain up-to-date and relevant to the ever-evolving tech industry, we update our curriculum on a regular basis.We also employ industry experts as instructors, ensuring that our students receive the latest insights and tools from professionals who are actively shaping the tech landscape. In addition to our internal updates, we also actively seek feedback from our students and teachers.
Will I receive a certificate of completion?
Yes, your digital certificate will look like this. Our graduates add certificates to LinkedIn and other social networks to verify their skills. But most importantly, you will gain practical knowledge directly from a middle+ level specialist, create a portfolio, improve your soft skills by working side by side with other students, and prepare your CV, cover letter, and LinkedIn profile for job search in a new field.

Python development online course

Course description

Python is a beginner-friendly programming language that empowers you to create and execute programs with ease. Our comprehensive course will equip you with the fundamentals of programming, including frameworks, standard and popular libraries, algorithms, data structures, networking, web concepts, object-oriented programming, and the software development life cycle.

Master essential tools like pip, virtualenv, and git, and you'll be ready to create simple Python applications, design and extend code bases, test, refactor, and optimize.

Imagine Python as a medical school: we provide the foundation, and you choose your internship to specialize in the area that most excites you.

Requirements for students

- Clearly defined goals and motivation for taking the course
- Ability to allocate ~20 hours per week for studying
- Sufficient English proficiency to read theoretical materials
- Effective internet search skills to find and extract the main points from information online
- Ability to assess the accuracy and relevance of information from online sources
- Basic proficiency in using a computer, including Task Manager and Zoom installation
- Coding experience will be an advantage but isn’t mandatory

Why Python?

- Widely used by tech giants like Google, Facebook, Yahoo, NASA, Red Hat, IBM, Instagram, Dropbox, Pinterest, and Quora
- Reduces development time and saves money
- Enables rapid prototyping of games and applications, allowing for immediate feedback and validation
- Serves as a gateway to diverse fields such as Machine Learning, Data Science, Big Data, Back End, DevOps, and system administration
- Easy to learn due to its English-like syntax, yet powerful enough to tackle complex programming tasks