Find your career in tech
5 free self-study courses
Choose a career, complete the training in one day, and find out if it’s a good fit for you
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Your 2024 Tech Career Roadmap
- 30%  for all courses
Let your career blossom this spring with Beetroot Academy
-25%  discount on all courses

Find your career in tech

5 free self-study courses
| Project Management  |  UI/UX design  |  QA Manual  |  Front-end  |  Python | Project Management  |  UI/UX design  |  QA Manual  |  Front-end  |  Python | Project Management  |  UI/UX design  |  QA Manual  |  Front-end  |  Python | Project Management  |  UI/UX design  |  QA Manual  |  Front-end  |  Python
Choose a career, complete the training in one day, and find out if it’s a good fit for you
10,000 people have already tried their hand at a new tech career
Власний темп
5 careers
in tech
per course
for one career

The studying process

You’ll get acquainted with IT careers step by step
Save time and make a mindful choice about your future tech career!

Meet the careers in tech

Course authors

Numbers we’re proud of:

9 years
on the market
300+ teachers
share their knowledge
300+ partners
hire our graduates
2 300+ scholarships
for vulnerable groups
12 000+
alumni globally
of alumni are women


Do I have to go through all the professions?
It's up to you. After the first one, you'll feel what suits you best and continue learning. There are no restrictions — keep going until you're confident in your choice.
How do I sign up for a specific career?
Follow this link, fill out the form, and gain instant access to all five courses.
What if I complete a course and realize it's not the right fit for me?
That's okay! Knowing what's not going to work for you is also valuable. Choose another career and try your hand at it. If you need guidance, take our career test — it will reveal your natural inclination towards a profession. Or you can get a free consultation with our career advisors.
Something isn't working, who should I contact?
Apologies, that happens in the digital world. Email us at, and we'll assist you right away.
I signed up for a course and closed the tab. How do I get back to learning?
It's simple. You can always click 'Start Learning' in the top right corner, enter the email you used for registration, and access the course with your completed lessons.
What's the main outcome of taking this course?
A conscious choice of your future career in tech! These are not just free courses aimed at selling you further education — we are invested in your success. Beetroot Academy is a social enterprise, which means we prioritize social impact over profit. Learn more about us here.
Will someone check my homework?
No, these are self-study courses. However, you can see how the course creators do the homework step by step. They've made video recordings for each assignment.

Take a step towards your dream career

Choose a course and get acquainted with the IT profession. If you hesitate, try your hand at each. The main thing is to find your own!
A gift for the most enthusiastic at the end of the last lesson