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“I was an optometrist, but now my aim is front-end”: how Intro to Tech Course helped people to find their way in tech

November 16, 2021
Daria Diadenko
Thinking about reskilling and giving your career a fresh start? Our Tech Summer Marathon shows that it is possible. Here are inspiring stories of three women with immigrant background, who had huge difficulty to get their job in Sweden, changed their careers and plans for the future and got full Beetroot Academy scholarships to continue their study.

What is Tech Summer Marathon

This  course included an introduction to five entry-level programs (tracks) with hundreds of related vacancies on-the-job market and no tech background required: Project Management in IT, UI/UX design, Front-end, Python, QA. Every student could choose to complete the whole course or a particular track, depending on what was relevant to them.

During the Intro to Tech course, one could master the very basics and the main topics of a profession. So there’s the bare minimum of theory, but a lot of practice within this profession, so that one understands whether they actually enjoy doing it.

Halemath Sameena Sameer from India

Halemath Sameena Sameer from India

“It was an eye-opening experience”

In India, I worked in finance. But I had already a Bachelor of engineering in Computer Science, so when I moved to Sweden I knew I can go back to IT. I am a self-taught person, most of the time I studied from YouTube, where continuation and proper structure of the course is lacking. So I needed to have a mentor, to ask and clarify my doubts.

I was interested in QA, and I have done mini projects in React and some projects using JavaScript. And then I changed my purpose and decided to be a UI/UX Designer. When I joined the Intro to Tech Course and got to Front-end track, I could see clearly who I wanted to be — a front-end developer. I remembered my childhood and my passion for drawings and colors. Without that introductory course, I couldn't  figure that out by myself. I was an eye-opening experience.

Sana Amir Hussain from Pakistan

“One day I want to give in return”

I have had studied medicine for 5 years and Business & Accountancy for 2 years. When I moved to Sweden, I came across the obstacle of language barrier, although I had international qualifications. The reason I chose to start from Python is that Python is a strong foundation language for all IT fields. Python promises me to be able to match it with any career branch I choose within IT. But… it took me a lot of research to find a place, where I could study it.

Being new in Sweden, in the midst of all the understanding of the new country and its way, caused a lack of confidence. And that is what held me back till I once called the Beetroot Academy. It was the only school, where people wanted to help me find my way in IT.  It was very precious for me. That's why I joined the Intro to Tech Course at Beetroot Academy. I attended all classes, did all home tasks with no excuse or delay, even while I was shifting apartments.

Studying at Beetroot Academy will give me a good head start in the IT career. I believe it is a good choice for my long-term career plans to gain experience, so I can add it up to my resume in the future.

I look forward to being able to give in return, becoming a teacher at the Beetroot Academy and helping others.

Mirinka Celliers Kotze from South Africa

“Amazing 5 weeks introduction into the technology industry helped me to recognize my new career”

I studied Bachelors of Optometry after school and worked in a busy practice for 3 years. My career in Optometry has been a great opportunity to grow, learn and develop, but I always wanted to do more.

I had the honor of receiving the best graduation student award in the 2017 Bachelors of Optometry class. As head-Optometrists, I have taken the responsibility to solve all the customers and patients problems quickly and efficiently, while always maintaining a good attitude. But I always had a passion for the web development industry and to make new, innovative things by hand.

In June this year, we took on the great adventure of moving to Stockholm, Sweden. Here I found Into to Tech course at Beetroot Academy and realized that this is my opportunity to make my passion, my new career.

My experiences in the Optometry practice has taught me that through hard work, dedication and passion anything is possible and despite learning this from a different industry. During the course I loved everything about web development —  from meeting the customer, research, planning, design, coding, testing and programming until it becomes a full functional website. My dream is to be part of the whole process as a Full-Stack Developer. I have chosen to apply for the Front-end Development program at Beetroot Academy, as I think this will give me the broadest introduction into the field of tech.

This educational opportunity with Beetroot Academy will allow me to pursue my dreams and passions into the Tech industry.

Starting a new career, especially switching into tech, might sound complicated and stressful. But with such inspiring stories, full support from teachers, student’s community and Beetroot Academy team, it is much easier to follow your dream.

Get in touch, and we will help you choose your direction!

Kickstart your career as front-end developer
We teach you how to make sites. We will explain how a browser works, how to put into practice HTML, CSS, JavaScript (ES6). Our teachers will explain how to repeat framework steps.