A brief overview
Five experts, practicing designers with senior level experience, worked on the course update. The course will last five months, consist of six mandatory and one bonus module, and involve working on three projects you can add to your portfolio. Specifically, you will receive the following modules with updated lessons, useful links, theory tests, and homework:
While doing your homework, you will apply your knowledge and hone your skills by working on three projects in sequence. The final one is the most important, as here you will be able to prove yourself as a UI/UX designer ready for your first commercial job.
This course is for you if:
You’re starting or switching a career
You’d like to join the tech field, and UI/UX design feels like the best way to go about it.
You already know quite a lot but would like to polish and systemize your knowledge
You’re familiar with Figma, Photoshop, Sketch, etc., and curious about design trends. Furthermore, you have an eye for great design and usability of websites, so you’d like to organize your knowledge base and improve your prototyping and UI skills.
You’re a designer in a different field
Working as a graphic designer or an illustrator, you’ve felt the urge to learn about customer experience, composition, and typography on the web. Your goal is to try your hand specifically at UI/UX design.
If you want to become a UI/UX designer and pursue a career as a tech professional, register for the updated course and start studying this July.